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上海盾铎智能设备有限公司,是一家致力于向客户提供定制的、自动化设备解决方案、*机床、组合专机和交钥匙工程的系统集成公司,以及自动化和机器人非标装配、检测设备,主要服务于汽车及汽车装备零部件、轨道交通、复合材料、航空部件、电子产品、太阳能的制造商和客户。我司已与多家行业公司建立*且良好的合作关系,并成为其自动化设备供应商。自成立以来通过不断向客户提供良好的服务和产品取得了迅速的发展,盾铎的目标是成为自动化设备行业和重要的参与者。      我司现在上海嘉定工业区拥有3800平方米加工装配厂,机械加工设备齐全,人才队伍实力雄厚,在管理体系切实的保障下,公司饮水思源、开拓进取,为客户提供的产品和服务始终是我们不倦的追求。



Shanghai dun duo automation technology co., LTD., the company is located in jiading district, Shanghai, China auto equipment industrial base. Is a company dedicated to provide customers with customized equipment and best automation solutions and turnkey project system integration company, as well as non-standard automation and robot assembly and testing equipment, mainly in the service of automobile and automobile equipment parts, rail transportation, composite materials, aviation parts, electronic products, solar manufacturers and customers. Our company has with many well-known companies to establish long-term and good relations of cooperation, and become the preferred automation equipment suppliers. Since its establishment by continuously to provide customers a good service and products has achieved rapid development, the cen's goal is to become a automation equipment industry leading and important player. Our company Shanghai jiading district south now

主要业务  Main business

    Plant layout and planning, verification automation simulation.

    Design and Manufacture BIW Welding Fixture.

    Design and Manufacture Welding Fixture of Chassis.

    Design and Manufacture Welding assembly Checking Fixture.

    Design and Manufacture Grippers.

    Design and Manufacture Vent-pipe Checking Fixture.

    Design and Manufacture Tools and Racks.

    Design and Manufacture Spare parts.

    Design and Manufacture Spare parts.

    On-site service (include assembly、adjusting and measuring)


版权所有 上海盾铎智能设备有限公司

地址:上海市奉贤区奉浦工业区奉浦大道111号5楼1723室 GoogleSitemap 备案号: 管理登陆 技术支持:机床商务网

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